Logo of Farnham Family Services
Logo of Farnham Family Services

Big News! Fulton Office Moving - March 17th
4 Tower Drive Fulton, NY

Medical Assisted Treatment Program

Farnham Family Services is proud to offer Oswego County’s first Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) to combat the increasing heroin and opiate epidemic.

Addiction to opiates has negative effects on physical and mental health, family, work, school, behavior, overall functioning, and society. Farnham‘s OTP provides residents of Oswego and neighboring counties a potentially life-saving opportunity, and long-term positive impact in the community.

In our outpatient clinic, Farnham Family Services offers Suboxone, a combination of the opioid medication buprenorphine, and naloxone, which blocks the specific effects of opioids that lead to opioid abuse and addiction. Once admitted to the outpatient clinic, individuals can utilize our Suboxone services to help overcome addiction. When combined with care from our professional treatment staff and dedicated service from our peer support program, our Suboxone program is a powerful treatment tool on the path to recovery.

Our medication-assisted recovery services for individuals with opioid use disorder, offer the following benefits:

  • Methadone, when taken as prescribed, allows individuals to discontinue use of heroin and illicit opiates with diminished or alleviated symptoms of withdrawal and reduced or alleviated cravings.
  • The patient does not get “high” when taking the medications properly.
  • Three medications for treating opioid use disorder are methadone, buprenorphine, and vivitrol. Farnham’s OTP currently offers methadone buprenorphine, and vivitrol.
  • The program offers patients crucial wrap-around services by a competent and caring multidisciplinary treatment team including a physician, registered nurses, credentialed therapists, support staff, and other professionals.
  • Services offered include peer support, individual counseling, group therapy, physicals, family involvement, case management,vocational counseling and referrals to other services as needed, and more.

CONTACT US today to learn more about our Opioid Treatment Program.

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