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Outpatient - Suboxone Program

In our outpatient clinic, Farnham Family Services offers Suboxone, a combination of the opioid medication buprenorphine, and naloxone, which blocks the specific effects of opioids that lead to opioid abuse and addiction. Once admitted to the outpatient clinic, individuals can utilize our Suboxone services to help overcome addiction. When combined with care from our professional treatment staff and dedicated service from our peer support program, our Suboxone program is a powerful treatment tool on the path to recovery.

Peer Support Program

Farnham Family Services Peer Support program is a person-centered service delivered by a Certified Recovery Peer Advocate, an individual who brings personal addiction recovery experience and professional training to the treatment experience. The peer support program offers an array of services. A few examples include:

  • Empathetic, one-on-one recovery support and mentorship
  • Connecting you to formal recovery supports such as 12 step programs
  • Non-clinical crisis support, especially following cases of hospitalization or incarceration
  • Education about various modes of recovery, and social and/or other support services
  • Modeling coping skills and identify strengths
  • In-home and community-based services, and more
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help support you in recovery.

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