“Peers often share a common culture, language and
deep understanding of the problems that people in their
communities experience. For those reasons, peers can
promote recovery, foster resilience and build on strengths to
support community integration and help others lead more
fulfilling lives. Peer services and support can complement
and enhance other health services. Peer specialists have
been demonstrated to improve quality of life, promote
wellness, increase retention, enhance treatment adherence,
and improve coping skills. Peers are an essential part of an
effective and efficient service system.” – Arthur Evans, PH.
Better For Families (BFF) Court Improvement Project
BFF is a Judicial approach to child
welfare cases involving SUD. Families participating in BFF attend bi-weekly court.
Home Community Based Services (HCBS):
CRPA’s provide clinic and community-based peer
recovery services, including Engagement services to connect individuals into treatment.
CORE Services
CRPAs provide Community Oriented Recovery and Empowerment (CORE)
services, including Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Peer Empowerment Services, Family Support
and Training programming to individuals who would benefit from the service and not otherwise
qualify due to insurance barriers.
Adult Peer Supports
CRPA’s provide Peer Services that mirrors the CORE services.
Family Time Supervised Visitation Program
An intensive therapeutic visitation program with
parent support and wraparound services. Farnham co-locates a fulltime CRPA at Catholic
Charities to provide peer empowerment & engagement services with families. The CRPA
provides recovery support, facilitates connection to treatment and helps parents to navigate other
supports in the family’s life. The goal is prompt and safe family reunification.
Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams (START)
START seeks to prevent out-of-home
placements, promote child safety and well-being, increase permanency for children, encourage
parental SUD recovery, and improve family stability and self-sufficiency. The (START) project
has collaborative dyads each involving a DSS caseworker with a Farnham CRPA to support families
with young children impacted by SUD to remain intact and receive appropriate SUD treatment.
Street Outreach:
The goal of this initiative is to provide street-level Outreach and Engagement
Services (OES) in the community to populations who typically have difficulty accessing harm
reduction, substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, and recovery support services. These
individuals may, or may not, be aware of, or interested in SUD treatment services but have been
identified as engaging in substance use and/or have SUD.